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Current knowledge on Covid-19 from Institut Pasteur

You must, like me, be asking yourself how the situation concerning the Coronavirus (Covid-19) will evolve in the next few weeks.

There is unfortunately no immediate answer. However, as biologists, I am sure you are, like me, interested in acquiring more knowledge on the current situation.

I would like to recommend you to view the following video, prepared by Arnaud Fontanet, an internationally reconized expert in disease, head of the "Epidémiologie des Maladies Emergentes" Research laboratory at Institut Pasteur (1).

The presentation prepared by Pr Fontanet is one of the most complete and most scientifically grounded documents you will find to understand the history of the emergence of the Covid-19 outbreak, the epidemiological status, the mechanisms of transmission and the current knowledge on this new disease. The video may be a little less entertaining than other videos you will find on the web, but I highly recommend you listen to the entire lecture, it is really worth it, especially for students specialising in biology.

Covid-19, Arnaud Fontanet, 20/2/2020. Ref : (2)

This extremely complete and fascinating lecture will of course not protect us from the disease itself, but it will certainly help us avoid some of the misleading information which runs in these difficult times.

In the absence of any more information, the best we can all do is to observe the official recommendations (3) and behave with evidence-based, scientifically justified habits (wash your hands, cough in your elbow...).

Hoping you will find this information useful and informative (and maybe also a good reminder on many of the courses you have had at Sup'Biotech), let me greet you with a respectful fist-bump (4).

Yours scientifically,

Frank Yates

Director of research @ Sup'Biotech




(4) Mela S, Whitworth DE. The fist bump: a more hygienic alternative to the handshake. Am J Infect Control. 2014 Aug;42(8):916-7.


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