Recherche & Développement
How to manage your scientific bibliography
Important Note : there are two versions of Mendeley with close names :
1/Mendeley Desktop and 2/Mendeley Reference Manager Desktop
Please use Mendeley Desktop. Dowload it here
Overview of the Mendeley library
Your library of articles in Mendeley is just a list of documents. Each item contains all the details of the articles : Title, Authors, Date... (Video 1) :
Adding an article to your library
Using the internal Mendeley online search engine (Video 2)
Using Pubmed with the Mendeley web plugin (Video 3)
Directly from the PDF of an article (Video 4)
You can set up Mendeley to scan a folder on your computer, and Mendeley will every PDF you save in it. (Video5)
Always check and correct when importing a PDF file that the reference is well imported. (Video 6)
Each journal has its own style for citations and references.
Reminder (Video 7):-
A citation is the marker inside a text, for example :
[1] or (Smith, 2002) -
A reference is the text contained in the bibliography at the end of a document, for example :
1. Smith, Wesson. Title of the Article. Jan, 2002. Vol.1, p 45.
Mendeley can be used with Word. For this you need to install the Word Plugin (Video 8)
You can add your citations inside Word. (Video 9)
You can easily change style within the Mendeley section. It will modify the style of both the citations and the reference (Video 10)
Video tutorials
Mendeley is one amongst many other software to manage bibliography. All these programs will more or less have similar functions.
Zotero, EndNote, Readcube-Papers, JabRef...