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Sup'Biotech Summer Schools : Food Science and Stem Cell Engineering

May and June 2017


Food Product Development

New foods and cosmetics are developed and tested every day, then brought to market by companies that have spent millions on R&D. These programs have been designed to help our students understand this process. Since food and cosmetic sciences cover many different disciplines, this program includes lessons in a range of areas.

Stem Cell Engineering

Stem cell engineering has emerged over the past decade as an important field of research, leading to numerous applications in health and medicine. This Summer School program has been designed to provide the tools necessary to understand the field of stem cells (ranging from adult stem cells to embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells) and some aspects of regenerative medecine. Students will explore the biology of stem cells with a specific focus on their characterization and their function. Upon completion of this part, students will join a workshop on genome editing (CRISPR-Cas9) which will be helpful to understand current applications of iPS technology. Lectures and discussions will be interactive and promote critical thinking in stem cell biology and biomedical applications of stem cells.


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66 Rue Guy Moquet



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